quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010

Rules of Game

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Number of players

2-8 players. Recommended to play with at least 4 players with an even number of players.

1. The Beginning
You split the players in two teams, CT and Terror. With the same number of players for teams to stay balanced. Every player receive a letter from Life Points. The game always begins with the terrorist team. And following the clockwise direction, players of the teams should be merged. Only if there are odd number of players, there may be two players from same team placed side by side.

*Suggestion for selection of teams: Scramble the letters from the characters and ask each remove a card. Teams may be selected by affinity or by any other method.

The Initial Letters
Each player will receive a letter of Character and Life Points must be downloaded on the table in order to indicate the points of life that players have at the moment. Each damage it takes, you should download the letter character indicating how much life (LV) remain.

Besides the letter of character and LV, each player receives 5 cards Hill cava, which should be well shuffled before dealing the cards to the players.

2. Goal
Beat who destroy the opposing team first.

3. The Game
The game consists of rounds. Only one player per turn to act.

The Turn
The player gets two cards must turn digging Hill digs. And only entitled to a single play, which is kind of offensive (see below).

Attention: All cards used or have finished their effects are thrown into the pile of garbage. When no more cards to dig, you must be shuffled the cards in the pile of trash in order to restore the Hill digs.

Types of Moves
There are three main types of moves:

- Offensive: Played just accomplished the turn of the player. The letters may be offensive:
The Weapon: 9mm, AK 47, Granada, snipper rifle and Uzi (see descriptions in the topic 4. The Letters).
The Special: Pump Gas Grenade Light, Head Shot and Improved (see descriptions in the topic 4. The Letters).
The Character: Without spending a letter, but counting as stroke, a player can attack with a weapon that automatically comes standard with the character (see description on the topic 4. The Letters).
- Defensive: Played performed only by the players threatened during the turn of one player. The letters may be offensive:
the Armor: Helmet, Vest and Mask (see descriptions in the topic 4. The Letters).
The Weapon: 9MM, AK 47Rifle Snippe and Uzi. WARNING: Granada can not be used defensively!
The Special: Dodge, Friendly Fire, Strengthening and Ricochet (see descriptions in the topic 4. The Letters).
- Pump: During the distribution of the cards early in the game or digging at the beginning of turn, the player who received the letter bomb, necessarily must show to all players and achieve their effect (see description on the topic 4. The Letters) unless you have a letter bomb disposal (see description on the topic 4. The Letters). Warning: During the dig, if the first card is the bomb and the player does not have the letter Disarm Bomb in hand, he can dig the second letter in hopes of digging a letter bomb disposal and use it.

Conflict Resolution
For each card played offensively for a particular range of letters of protection that can be used against. The defender can only play one card to defend himself, except the letters helmet and vest, which can be played together.

Letters of Arms (except Grenada) and Character
The defensive cards that can be used are:

Letters Armor (except Mask): Mixed or not, the letters Helmet and Vest reduce the damage from the attack (see details in the topic 4. The Letters).

Letters Weapon (except Grenada): The defender can answer an attack with a counterattack. Who wins the most damage conflict. The loser takes damage equal to the difference between attack and counterattack. In case of tie, no one takes damage.

Letter Special - Dodge: The defender completely avoids the attack.

Letter Special - Friendly Fire: The defender chooses a team player enemy (except the attacker) to suffer the attack (see details in the topic 4. The Letters).

Letter Special - Reinforcement: The player calls another player on their team, to defend him. The other player should also follow the same restrictions on defense.

Letter Special - Ricochet: All players play "One or donuts" or "Odd or Even" (if there are only two players). Whoever loses is attacked (see details in the topic 4. The Letters).

Chart Attack - Granada
The defensive cards that can be used are:
Letters Armor (except Mask): Mixed or not, the letters Helmet and Vest reduce the damage from the attack (see details in the topic 4. The Letters).
Letter Special - Dodge: The defender takes half damage.
Letter Special - Reinforcement: The player calls another player on their team, to defend him. The other player should also follow the same constraints of defense.

Charter Special - Pump Gas
Letters Armor - Mask: The defender completely prevents this effect (see description on the topic 4. The Letters).

Charter Special - Granada Light
Letters Armor - Mask: The defender completely avoids the effect (see description on the topic 4. The Letters).

Charter Special - Head Shot
Letter Special - Dodge: The defender completely avoids the attack.

Charter Special - Strengthening
The player in turn calls another player on your team to attack. The defender can defend themselves in the same way that it will defend itself from attack by the player's time.

The player is considered dead as soon as it reaches 0 or less PV.

4. Letters
The deck has 68 cards divided into:

(8) Letters of characters from both teams
(4) Counter-terrorism
(4) Terrorist
The characters of both teams are always a basic weapon, a "38 gun" that has the firepower 20 (Damage: -20).

(8) Letters of Life Points
Each card has five levels of vitality: 100%, 80%, 60%, 40% and 20%.

(18) Special Letters:
(2) Pump: During the distribution of the cards early in the game or digging at the beginning of turn, the player who received the letter bomb, necessarily must show to all players and to realize its purpose unless it has the letter Trip Pump.
If the player is unable to disarm the good it will take 40 damage. And if the bomb goes off before you start the game, after distributing the cards, all teammates take 20 damage.
No letter can be used to prevent or reduce damage from the bomb.
Warning: During the dig, if the first card is the bomb and the player does not have the letter Disarm Bomb in hand, he can dig the second letter in hopes of digging a letter bomb disposal and use it.

(2) Pump Gas: All players, except the attacker and the players that use the letter Mask, will be unable to attack the attacker for a spin. It is recommended to leave the letter Pump Gas on the table in front of the striker until the end of round, ie until the move go through it again.
(2) Defuse Bomb: Protect the player or players of the effect of the pump. Only the player who has the letter bomb, you can disarm them.
(2) Dodge: Head Shot Protects the letter and letters of Weapon (except Grenada). Against the letter Granada, halves the damage.
(2) Friendly Fire: The defender chooses one player from the enemy team (except the attacker) to suffer an attack of 20 damage indefensible.
(2) Granada Light: All players, except the attacker and the players that use the letter Mask, will be "blind", ie will not play for one round, can not even dig letter and can only defend against attacks Helmet with the letter and / or letter jackets. It is recommended to leave the letter Granada Light on the table in front of striker until the end of round, until the move go through it again.
(2) Head Shot: Kill the attacker immediately, regardless of the victim PV. Only the Dodge letter can save a victim.
(2) Reinforcement: The player (attacker / defender) convenes its choice (and without help from his team) one player on your team to perform the move (offensive / defensive) in their place without the player loses his summoned turn. Warning: The player can not play called a letter of Reinforcement to convene another player.
(2) Ricochet: All players play "One or donuts" or "Odd or Even" (if there are only two players). Who suffers the loss of 20 attack damage indefensible.

(18) letters of Armor
(7) Helmet: Reduces damage 20.
(7) Collect: 40 Reduces damage.
(4) Mask: Protects against the effects of letter and letter Pump Gas Light Grenade
(16) Letters Weapon
(4) 9MM: Causes 40 damage.
(4) AK 47: Causes 60 damage.
(2) Granada: Causes 80 damage.
(2) Rifle Snippe: Causes 80 damage.
(4) Uzi: Causes 40 damage.

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